Anber Writes💫
5 min readJul 2, 2024

“Ways to Test True Love”

How can we test true love

I Love you! You love me!

Is a common saying. Everyone wants to be in Love but not everyone is ready to pay the price. To determine if it's the real deal, here are a couple of quirky tests for true love.

"""Truth test"""

True love will not force you to tell everything word by word. True love won't make you spill every single bean. So, if you're still hiding secrets behind closed doors, who's going to uncover the truth, the house cat? True love doesn't lie neither keep any records of truth.

Be truthful and real. If he or she wants to stay, You should tell him or her and then find out later.

"""Time test"""

Real love does survive the test of time because it was deeply rooted before it started. Love isn't just skin deep; it's all about embracing the quirks and charms that make someone uniquely them. The deeper the connection, the stronger the love potion brews.

Check it, if that guy who used to come almost every day now finds it difficult to see you for a whole month, fails to call, or never picks up your calls, it not only shows that he is not in love and he has seen it all and now it's time to go. Not a real love.

Focus on Goals

"""Goal test"""

True love is ready to give, even if it hurts, it is unselfish and committed, you want to do all you can to make the other party happy as far as he wants in the fear of God, that is true love. When your partner respects you like they're walking on eggshells, that's the real deal - true love. If all they're after is your wallet or getting frisky, well, that's not love at all.

If you desire to get somebody to kiss, caress, fondle, and sleep with that's infatuation, not true love. His her her goal must not be just in physical relations.

"""Maturity test"""

Teenagers and love? It's more like a rollercoaster of infatuation! If you're a teen, sorry to burst your love bubble—it's probably just a case of heart-eyed infatuation. And hey, if your crush is a teen too, it's likely puppy love, not the real deal! because True love can only come from the mature, regenerated, and unselfish mind.

True love is always matured both physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, financially, etc.

"""Prayer test"""

The person you are in love with, is he a lover of prayer and the word of God? If not, steer clear of tying the knot with such a character. It's wiser to walk down the aisle with a prayer-loving sweetheart rather than a beer enthusiast.

True love puts God first and is not afraid to go before him in prayer. Marry someone who loves prayer, not someone who doesn't see reasons why prayer is needed.

Love is life if it is simple

"""Character test"""

How is the character of your lover? Is he or she a drunkard, a smoker, or a flirt? Does he/she put God first in everything? Does he or she believe in pure courtship? Have you ever found him fighting on the street, or have you discovered that he is a cultist and indulges in examination malpractices or embezzlement of the company’s money?

If he or she is not of a good character and you know all these and you pretend as if you do not see, it shows that you are only being infatuated but not in real love. Real love is based on godly character and integrity.

"""Friends test"""

My dear! Friends matter. Who are the friends of your partner, are they believers or not? If they are not, you are about to sell yourself cheaply into the hand of a wolf that will devour you because no way, no how, they will influence your partner negatively.

Look at his or her friends, if they drink, smoke, and womanize then you are just deceiving yourself because you've not found a true love partner.

Love partners

""" God’s voice test"""

If God is not leading you into that relationship you are living dangerously by going into it.

Real love hears God’s voice and obeys it, infatuation and lust disdain the voice of God.

""" Distance test"""

Distance kills infatuation easily but in true love there is always Faithfulness no matter where your partner is.

In real love absence makes your heart grow, fond of the one you love, real love does survive the distance test.

"""Peace test"""

Do you have peace of mind in that relationship? Is your mind settled? Or does it take away your joy, and happiness and all you now have is fear, guilt, sorrow, and regret? This is a sign that the relationship is not based on true love.

Test that love, with your peace of mind. If peace is absent or far from it, God is not in it and love is far from it.

"""People’s test"""

I know that people will not choose for you but If everybody around you most especially your friends, parents, and pastor disagree with your choice of partner. please, watch it.

If you're blindfolded with love people around you are not “blind together with you. If all of them disagree with you, it is not true love.

""" Protocol test"""

True love is obedient and submissive to constituted authority, infatuation and lust have no regard for anybody or authority.

Anber Writes💫

I am enthusiastic personality to describe human behaviour and relationships.